Current Third Party Funded Projects
DFG-Research Training Group 2484, Regional Disparities and Economic Policy, Speaker: Tobias Seidel, University of Duisburg-Essen.
Current Research
Alive and Kicking? Short-Term Health Effects of a Physician Strike in Germany (Lea Nassal joint with Daniel Avdic, Martin Karlsson, and Nina Schwarz)
Compulsory Military Service and Health (Nuan Stahl and Karolin Süß)
Health Effects of Motherhood and the Impact of Family Policies (Marie Paul and Karolin Süß joint with Fabian Dehos and Wiebke Schäfer)
Job Loss and Retirement (Lea Nassal)
Long-term Effects of Historical Inheritance Customs on Household Formation and Gender Disparities (Karolin Süß)
Moving to Opportunity, Together (Lea Nassal and Marie Paul joint with Seema Jayachandran, Matt Notowidigdo, Heather Sarsons, and Elin Sundberg)
The Effects of After-School Programs in Secondary Schools on Educational Outcomes and Labor Market Entry (Marie Paul and Max Schäfer joint with Fabian Dehos)
The Value of School Choice Opportunities (Max Schäfer joint with Lukas Hörnig)
The Effect of an Exit into Parental Leave on Coworkers (Marie Paul joint with Bernd Fitzenberger and Arnim Seidlitz)
The Effects of Sanctions on Welfare Recipients (Marie Paul joint with Bernd Fitzenberger, Julia Schmidtke, and Leonie Wicht)
Completed Third Party Funded Projects
05/2018 – 05/2021 Project Female Employment Patterns, Fertility, Labor Market Reforms, and Firms within the DFG Research Network 1764 (joint
with Bernd Fitzenberger)
05/2015 – 05/2018 Project Female Employment Patterns, Fertility, Labor Market Reforms, and Social Norms: A Dynamic Treatment Approach within
the DFG Research Network 1764 (joint with Bernd Fitzenberger)