Sommersemester 25
Master Seminar in Economics
- Lecturer:
- Prof. Dr. Marie Paul
- Max Schäfer
- Contact:
- Term:
- Summer Semester 2025
- Cycle:
- Block
- Language:
- English
In-depth engagement with a topic from applied economic research, for example, in the areas of labor economics, education economics, industrial economics, international economics or regional economics. In their term paper and during the oral presentation of their thesis, students present and discuss a given research article and place it within the relevant research literature.
The Master Seminar in Economics is a joint course of the chairs:
- Mikroökonomik und Außenwirtschaft (Prof. Eugen Kovac, Ph.D.),
- Quantitative Methoden in den Wirtschaftswissenschaften (Prof. Dr. Marie Paul),
- Volkswirtschaftslehre (Prof. Dr. Tobias Seidel),
- New Economic Geography and East Asia (Prof. Dr. Jens Wrona).
Learning Targets:
Through the independent examination of a topic in applied economics, students deepen their knowledge of scientific work. They improve their skills in:
• literature research and understanding of scientific texts and methods,
• critical assessment and discussion of research work,
• scientific writing and presenting,
• self-organization of a complex project.
The Master Seminar in Economics prepares students for essential aspects of their master thesis. Additionally, students acquire in-depth knowledge on a topic in applied economics.
Methods of Assessment:
seminar paper and presentation
Detailed information can be found in the course room Master Seminar in Economics SS25 on Moodle.
To participate in this course you must register by March 31th 2025 as described in Moodle.
The registration also involves indicating your preferences regarding the topics presented on Moodle. Please log in with your university ID and use the access key "QMW".
It is a prerequisite to have passed the course “Econometrics (Master)” before starting the “Master Seminar in Economics”.